This site will give you the online information, learning, training and assessment I have developed after 27 years working at the Australian Maritime College.
Everything you need to operate a small boat safely!
Right here. Right now.
Click on this link to open a RADAR simulator that is responsive to tablets and smaller screens.
My guided online learning system will offer you
Think about how you could blend online learning with local onsite experience!
My aim is to make this quality material widely available to make your time on the water safer and more enjoyable for your friends and family.
A vessel fishing and the lights needed for a dredge.
Click on this link to open a RADAR simulator.
Click on this link to open some exercises that explain the use of RADAR.
This link will take you to the start page for coastal navigation.
This link shows web based resources that help people gain this unit of competency.
Latest weather charts
Tidal heights
Sea surface temperature
Interactive weather and wave forecast maps
Australian Maritime Safety Authority
Land big fish
Watts, J.K. 2005. Examinations - Marine Radio Operators Certificate of Proficiency (MROCP). Website. Launceston.
Watts, J.K. 2004. Apply weather information when navigating a small vessel. AMC Website. Launceston. Website. Launceston.
Watts, J.K. 2004. Apply weather information when navigating a small vessel. AMC Website. Launceston. Website. Launceston.
Watts, J.K. 2004. Plan and navigate an inshore passage. AMC Website. Launceston. Website. Launceston.
Watts, J.K. 2003. Record of Practical Experience and Service Book - Coxswain. AMC. Launceston.
Watts, J.K. 2003. Transmit and recieve information by radio or telephone. AMC Website. Launceston.
Watts, J.K. 2003. Operate a small vessel. AMC Website. Launceston. Website. Launceston.
Watts, J.K. 2002. Assemble and repair damaged netting. AMC Website. Website. Launceston.
Watts, J.K. 2002. Seafood Industry Training. AMC Website. Launceston. Website. Launceston.
Watts, J.K. 2002. Oceanography and meteorology. AMC Website. Launceston.
Watts, J.K. 2002. Assessment guide for the Certificates 11 and III in the Seafood Industry (Fishing operations). AMC. Launceston.
Watts, J.K. 2002. Workplace record book for the Certificate 11I in the Seafood Industry (Fishing operations). AMC. Launceston.
Watts, J.K. 2002. Workplace record book for the Certificate 11 in the Seafood Industry (Fishing operations). AMC. Launceston.
Watts, J.K. 2000. Assemble and repair damaged netting.Learning guide, assessment guide and video produced for the Seafood industry training package. AMC. Launceston.
Watts, J.K. 1999. Oceanography. Powerpoint presentation and learning materials. AMC. Launceston.
Watts, J.K. 1999. Seafood industry training package - vessel operations and fishing operations sections. Australian National Training Authority. Melbourne.
26 years teaching at the Australian Maritime College, Launceston, Tasmania
Teaching Coxswain, Master <24m, Master <35m
Teaching first and second year degree studies in vessel operations, fishing gear technology and oceanography
Managing Certificate in fishing operations courses
Managing Coxswain courses
Developing blended delivery with onsite and online learning and assessment material
Bachelor of Science in marine science from UNSW
Mate 4
Marine engine driver grade 2
Skipper 3
Certificate 4 in workplace training and assessment
Diploma in training and assessment systems
Master of Education, UTAS
Industrial experience:
7 years fishing south around from Port Stevens NSW to Esperance WA including:
Fish trawling
Prawn trawling shallow and deep
Bait purse seining
Tuna poling
Tuna longlining
Fish trapping
Jeff Watts, 2024